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The Guest Main Lounge


After restoring and repurposing the original building, the Chapman’s opened Ololo as a safari lodge early in 2016. The lodge design and interiors are a blend of old and new, filled with an eclectic collection of handcrafted furniture, made by our skilful fundi carpenters with a backdrop of handprinted fabrics and artwork from both Kenya and Australia.


Guests can relax in Ololo’s spacious living room in front of the cozy fireplace, with wine selected from the Ololo stone cellar, or sit in the quiet of the adjoining library.


Our restaurant is open to the garden and the park, and often tables are set up on our vine-covered terrace, or under the old acacia trees in the garden. Evening drinks can be enjoyed with a brazier to ward off the cooler night air or guests can enjoy their 'sundowner' sitting by the



When there is something special going on around the globe – we put it up on the big screen inside for all to see. It may be your favourite team in the World Cup, a Kenyan winning the Boston marathon or simply a desire to watch ‘Out of Africa’ after visiting the Karen Blixen Museum.

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As featured in 


Copyright © 2019 Ololo Lodge.  All Rights Reserved.

Photo Credits: Vanessa Knight, Kimberley Hickok, Stephan,

Sean Dundas, Jim Chapman.



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