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Ololo Foundation Kenya
Ololo Foundation Kenya

The Ololo Foundation 

Ololo is so much more than just a safari lodge. Since the beginning we've had the vision of creating a community that is dedicated to uplifting the environment and local families of this region that we love. And that is why we established The Ololo Foundation; bringing together the Ololo community and our incredible guests to ensure your trip has a positive impact on the planet. Whether it be planting trees locally to offset the emissions created by your trip, or supporting local schools to provide opportunities for youth, we'd love your support! 

St John's School, Kibera Slum 

Project Overview

Project Established:  2009.   # Students Supported: 450 
# Teachers funded: 14    Classrooms Built: 11   High school Scholarships: 14

St Johns School is located in the heart of the Kibera slum  -  one of the largest slums in Africa - roughly the size of NY Central Park and is home to almost 1 million people.

We are constantly trying to improve the school by building new and upgraded classrooms, providing essential learning resources and paying teachers salaries. 
Here are some of our upcoming projects:​
- Build and fit out a computer lab. 
- Increase the teachers salaries 
- Help purchase the land on which St John's sits. 
- Improved school feeding program. 

Trees for Life Project - Oloosirkon School

Project Overview

Project Established:  2022.   # Trees Planted: 247
# School Planting Days: 2   # Educational workshops: 4

We live in one of the most naturally biodiverse ecosystems in the world. With hundreds of species of mammals and over 450 bird species in our area alone, trees play a vital role in bringing together this ecosystem. However, it's not just the natural world that depends on trees, we as a human race are dependant on trees for food, for cooling the earth and for sequestering harmful C02 from our atmosphere. Unfortunately, travel can be one of the best, but also one of the worst things you can do to our planet. By planting trees in local schools, not only do we hope to sequester the carbon produced by your travels, but we hope to teach the youth about the importance of protecting our precious environment. 


We'd love your support! 

Ololo Lodge

We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travelers like you to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination. If you save just a few kilos of space in your suitcase and take supplies for the projects we support in need, you’ll make a priceless impact in the lives of our local children and families. Please click here to see what supplies are needed for our project/projects.

As featured in 


Copyright © 2019 Ololo Lodge.  All Rights Reserved.

Photo Credits: Vanessa Knight, Kimberley Hickok, Stephan,

Sean Dundas, Jim Chapman.



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